Stationery Book Tag.

So – here’s another book tag post coming at you.
Thanks to the lovely Emie’s Nook for tagging me for the Stationery Book Tag created by Sam @ RiverMooseReads!


– Mention the creator of the tag

– Answer the questions & add pictures if you want

– Tag five people


Pencils – Favorite Middle Grade or Children’s Book

  • Pippi Longstocking

At this point I don’t think it comes as a surprise – I’ve mentioned how awesome Pippi is quiiiiite a few times now 😀 She was my childhood hero and she still is my hero. Pippi is strong, sassy, kind and absolutely badass.

Pens – a basic staple for any reader

  • Harry Potter series

Harry Potter is for everyone, no matter their age. And the story has just such a big place in so many people’s hearts, it’s hard to get around it in our world – which I think is awesome, because Harry Potter is awesome and magical and everyone should always be able to come home to Hogwarts.

Notebooks – what do you own multiple copies of?

  • Pride & Prejudice

There are actually own multiple copies of a number of books – Jane Austen probably has the most multiple copies on my bookshelf though. There are just too
many beautiful editions of her wonderful works ❤

Markers – a book with a beautiful cover

  • The Night Circus

I’m in love with LOTS of covers, so it’s hard to choose one. Of my reads over the last few months I particularly liked the cover of Erin
Morgenstern’s The Night Circus. It’s captivating and enchanting – just like the story inside.

Glue – two characters that work really well together (friends/couple)

  • Emma Woodhouse & George Knightley

Those two.. They aren’t always of the same opinion, they certainly have their differences and difficulties. But when it comes down to it, they are there for each other and support each other – often in subtle ways, but that makes it all the better if you ask me. It’s the little things ❤

Scissors – a book you would like to destroy

  • Winter’s Tale

700+ pages and at the end I was just annoyed that I wasted my time for this big nothing. I know this book has lots of fans, but I’m clearly not one of them.

Art Kit – what complete series do you own

  • The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Does that count? I don’t read a lot of series – I have quite a few on my to-read list but I have yet to start all of them. And I didn’t want to say Harry Potter again 😛


And I tag…

17 thoughts on “Stationery Book Tag.

  1. I love this tag! I also own multiple copies of Jane Austen’s books. I collect different versions of Persuasion. There have been just so many beautiful covers….I can’t help myself. 🙂

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  2. Yes, keep on bragging about those beautiful Jane Austen covers, why don’t ya?! XD Sheesh. I actually started listening to Sherlock Holmes’ stories a couple of years ago before going to bed, but let me tell ya this: there are some pretty scary ones in there!!

    Liked by 1 person

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